CBD: The Natural Alternative Treatment & Relief

CBD: The Natural Alternative Treatment & Relief

The Natural Alternative Treatment-sunset yoga

Cannabidiol (CBD) is gaining ground as an alternative treatment for a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain to anxiety and depression.

If you’re facing any of these physical or mental health challenges, you probably feel like you can’t live your life to the fullest. This may be due to physical pain and discomfort or an emotional burden. Never mind enjoying your favorite hobbies and activities—you struggle just to get out of bed or sleep soundly every day.

I understand because I’ve been there. Following the tragic loss of my son, my husband sneakily (I say that with love!) gave me CBD gummies under the guise of vitamins. In a matter of days, I felt better and was able to get out of bed and cope. I felt clarity and lightness I hadn’t experienced in months. 

Of course, as a nurse educated in Western medicine, I was intrigued and driven to research this natural alternative treatment that had done wonders for my well-being and was far more effective for me than antidepressants. I went back to school and quickly learned of CBD’s therapeutic benefits.

So if you’re searching for an alternative to more pharmaceutical drugs to help you feel and live better, the many CBD benefits could offer just what you need. Read on to learn more about them, then reach out to me directly for questions and guidance on your self-care journey!

What is CBD?

New to the world of CBD? You’re in the perfect place to learn everything you need to know from a medical professional with firsthand experience!

Cannabis (i.e., hemp and marijuana plants) contains hundreds of compounds known as cannabinoids, and CBD is one of them. The substance is found in both hemp and marijuana, but legal CBD products must be made from hemp. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the cannabinoid found in marijuana, CBD does not get you high. Plus, it’s safe and non-habit forming!

Ok, but how does CBD deliver all those benefits? It interacts with our cannabinoid receptors, essential players in our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). CBD stimulates these receptors to produce cannabinoids that help regulate important areas like mood, pain response, inflammation, appetite, and stress levels.

Want to learn more about what CBD is and is not? Check my blog post explaining it all and busting four common misconceptions!

What is CBD Used For? 3 Ways It Provides Natural Relief

Pharmaceutical drugs don’t always have the desired results, come with side effects, and eventually result in a tolerance requiring an increase in dosage. 

But what is CBD used for, exactly? Although more research is necessary to continue understanding the many CBD benefits and its nuances, it’s shown strong potential as a natural alternative or complementary treatment for a wide range of conditions. These include pain and inflammation, anxiety and depression, and sleep issues/disorders.

Relieve Pain & Reduce Inflammation

Pain can disrupt your everyday life, no matter what kind. When you can’t live freely and fully, your mental health also suffers. The ripple effects of constant pain can potentially include depression, anxiety, poor sleep, and more.

Early research shows that CBD benefits, whether in oral (e.g., oil) or topical (e.g., salve) form, include pain relief for:

  • Neuropathy: CBD could help with neuropathic pain, which is caused by nerve damage. It’s common among people with multiple sclerosis, injuries like herniated discs, and nerve-attacking infections like shingles.
  • Arthritis: Some people have reported notable pain relief, better sleep, or decreased anxiety when using CBD for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It may even suppress disease activity!
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS is often accompanied by painful muscle spasms, which limited research shows could be reduced by CBD oil.
  • Chronic pain: CBD relieves pain and inflammation, and it appears that people don’t build a tolerance to its effects—meaning there is no need to increase the dose over time!

Part of the reason CBD is so effective at relieving pain is thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties! So, how does it work? 

Research suggests that CBD prevents the release of compounds that stimulate inflammation in the body. Topical products also show positive effects, including significantly reducing inflammatory skin disease and scarring.

Both oral and topical CBD products offer different effects and benefits. Topical CBD treats localized pain quickly and directly, which may be why it can effectively treat neuropathic pain.

CBD oil and ointments could also complement other therapy, like massage, to support healing for those recovering from an injury. Reduced inflammation and swelling mean more mobility and flexibility, allowing you to get back on your feet faster, stay healthy, and reduce your risk of injury and pain!

Ease Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Mental health conditions can have crippling effects in the wake of tragedy and difficulties. Perhaps you’re like I once was and can hardly get out of bed. Or maybe you’re just barely functioning, going through the motions of everyday life but not thriving. You might also constantly feel on edge and frazzled, putting everyone and everything first but yourself.

Wherever you’re at, you’re not giving yourself the self-care you deserve. And when you don’t (or can’t) fill your cup, you certainly can’t fill anyone else’s!

One of the most popular CBD benefits is its positive effects on stress, anxiety, and depression. Research specifically shows its promise as a treatment for people with anxiety-related disorders, such as:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

Additionally, CBD may have similar effects to antidepressants.

Strains on your mental health can manifest physically, from tension to pain to headaches and migraines. CBD can support your emotional and mental well-being. And combining it with other treatments like massage therapy, other forms of bodywork, and counseling could maximize the results!

Improve Sleep

Are there things keeping you up at night? Whether you can’t seem to turn off your mind or severe pain and discomfort simply won’t let your body rest soundly, poor sleep can spiral into numerous other problems. You might struggle with a lack of focus, decreased productivity, and low energy…which can affect both your personal and professional life…and the sleep-deprived cycle continues.

Getting quality sleep is essential to your overall health and well-being. By relieving pain and easing emotional and mental burdens, CBD can also help improve your sleep patterns and habits. Experience serenity and relaxation as you settle into bed each night and wake up fresh, energized, and ready to take on each day.

The best part? You can avoid over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids and their potentially groggy side effects (e.g., if you don’t get the recommended amount of sleep). 

CBD benefits can extend to those with insomnia or other sleep disorders often associated with depression, anxiety, stress, chronic pain, neurological disorders, and more. 

These effects tie back to how CBD supports the ECS, which helps maintain homeostasis and ensures crucial processes and healing occur while you sleep. When those vital functions are all running smoothly, you’ll enjoy better sleep quality—and a better quality of life!

Could CBD Benefits Complement Your Treatments?

We all have different needs and ways of coping with and managing our trauma, stress, and pain. I encourage you to research and find what works for you, whether it’s one form of therapy or a few. Always speak with your doctor before starting a new treatment of any kind.

If you do feel that CBD benefits could support your healing journey, consider my 10-day trial! You’ll join my inner circle and test the morning and evening boxes. Enjoy a 10-day supply of my: 

  • CBD Breakfast Gummies: To help you wake up refreshed and free of brain fog
  • Delta-8 Sleepytime Gummies: For evening relaxation
  • CBD Evening Drink Drops: To soothe your mind and body for bedtime
  • CBD Relaxation Lavender Salve: To relax those topical aches and pains

This starter kit is the perfect way to try my signature CBD products and find out what works best for your wellness needs!

Once you receive your trial box, please follow me on Instagram @thehealingconsultantcbd or Facebook to snap a photo and let me know how you like it! This will help me share them with even more people who are struggling in an area of their lives and simply need help finding the light again.

And if you have any questions or concerns, please schedule a consultation with me today for a space free of judgment and clean, high-quality CBD products you can trust!

Picture of Varnar Spencer

Varnar Spencer

Varnar helps women cope with loss, trauma, stress and pain. She offers consultations and care packages to help her clients feel supported using natural coping tools.

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As the Healing Consultant, I’m here to help women like me cope with loss, trauma, stress and pain. Find out more.

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